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The Katikkiro visits the coffee farmers of Mawogola County

The Katikkiro visits the coffee farmers of Mawogola County

He started the day at the Taxi Park in Sembabule town, from where he headed to Kasaana village at Kasaana School, then went to the field of a coffee farmer, Salongo Bernard Lwanga Kafeero, then held a joint rally at St. Mary's School. Peter in the Town Council of Mateete.

His message is based on the themes that launched the emmwanyi terimba campaign, including.

▪︎ Cooperation, where the strength lies.

▪︎ Farmers Get used to irrigating or someone is digging a well or collecting rainwater slowly and learning to farm with a tractor.

▪︎ To encourage youth and women to adopt coffee farming, coffee is more profitable than boda boda.

▪︎ Encourage people to drink coffee.

He later launched a document with 16 steps that a coffee farmer must go through to earn Shillings 1 million per month per acre of coffee. He handed over 18 motorcycles to the royal farmers of all the provinces to go and reach the farmers with the gospel about coffee.

Mateete Sacco donated Shs.5 million.

Child Nakayemba Fazila has donated UGX:10,000/=.


The Katikkiro with one of the coffee farmers in Mawogola.

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