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Ekisaakaate kya Nabagereka 2024 launched

Ekisaakaate kya Nabagereka 2024 launched

From left Ann Elizabeth Nankya, Princess Katrina Sangalyambogo and Ms. Patricia Nabasirye

Princess Katrina Sangalyambogo presided over the Launch of this year's kisaakate 2024.

The launch ceremony was held at Hormisdallen School-Gayaza. In her words, ‘’Ekisaakaate Kya Nnabagereka is a tool critical for reviving our traditional values and should be a rallying point for all Ugandan children and youth as we navigate through life,” Said Sangalyambogo.

The event was attended by various guests and organizations such as MTN which partnered with the Nnabagereka Development Foundation, Princess Sangalyambogo welcomed all guests and thanked them for joining the Queen's theme of promoting humanity through ekisaakate of 2024. 


The 40M cheque delivered by MTN

MTN was represented by Ms. Patricia Nabasirye who also delivered a cheque of Ugshs: 40,000,000 (Forty million Uganda shillings) from MTN and handed it over to the Princess who was present on behalf of the Queen.

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