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Buganda Kingdom celebrates Welfare Day in commemoration of Its independence, held annually on October 8

Buganda Kingdom celebrates Welfare Day in commemoration of Its independence, held annually on October 8

The Katikkiro arriving at the event

The Kingdom of Buganda celebrated Welfare Day on October 8, marking the importance of Buganda’s self-governance. The main event took place at the Mutuba V Nyenga sub-county headquarters in Kyaggwe under the theme, "Welfare among the prepared youth: The Strength of Buganda."

The event also featured the relaunch of Bulungibwansi (community service) activities on a mile of land that His Majesty, the Kabaka, had inaugurated in 2018 at Mutuba V Wakisi, Kyaggwe.

The Chief Guest, Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga, used the occasion to criticise the government for increasing electricity prices, which, he argued, burden the public. He noted that many people cannot afford electricity, forcing them to resort to cutting down trees for firewood, which harms the environment.

Katikkiro, who spoke about environmental concerns, added that the practice of investors constructing buildings in wetlands has also significantly contributed to environmental degradation.

Katikkiro stated that"Since Buganda has a significant role in Uganda and was instrumental in securing independence in 1962 through the late King Muteesa, it is important to celebrate Buganda's self-governance by engaging in Bulungibwansi (community service) while also remembering the responsibility that King Ttembo instilled in his people when he established a reign of justice and fairness," said the Katikkiro.

He thanked the Kabaka's chiefs for their dedication to serving the kingdom, following in the footsteps of their ancestors. He urged them to be innovative, committed, and diligent in their duties while treating all members of the kingdom equally, as they are all children of the Kabaka.


The Katikkiro and his ministers were present at the event

Katikkiro also encouraged the chiefs to unite the people of Buganda through five key principles, stating that unity will protect the kingdom from its adversaries.

The Minister of Welfare, Environment and Human Settlements, Oweek. Hajjat Mariam Nkalubo Mayanja, encouraged communities to embrace Bulungibwansi initiatives to maintain cleanliness in their areas.

Meanwhile, the Minister for Local Governments who oversees the Kabaka’s visits and Buganda affairs abroad, informed the Katikkiro that all chiefs have undergone leadership training and most have been installed in their respective roles.

He called on them to work with integrity and strengthen the foundations of the Buganda Kingdom at all levels.

During the event, the chiefs in charge of Bulungibwansi (community service) in Kyaggwe were presented with tools such as hoes, machetes, and shovels to aid in their community service efforts.

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